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Doula, a reassuring and kind presence at each step

I offer both you and your partner emotional, informative and personalized support to find your pathway to a positive birth journey and parenthood experience. 

From the desire to have a child, I welcome you with kindness and respect, with your own story and I support you on the path you have chosen.

I offer you time to be listened to, reassured, to ask your questions, or simply to experience your pregnancy in a fulfilling and mindful way.

I can also support you through very difficult times, if required (such as voluntary interruption of pregancy, medical abortion, miscarriage, or baby loss) offering you the opportunity to express your grief and anxieties in a secure space. 

Femme enceinte dans la nature

My support as a doula is complementary to your medical follow-up with your gynecologist and / or your midwife.

A doula?

A doula is a woman alongside the pregnant woman and those around her, she listens to her desires and needs and follows her in her choices. She offers personalized support, in continuity, a relationship of trust, complicity and intimacy from woman to woman.

Borrowed from ancient Greek, the term doula (servant) referred to the female figure who, alongside the midwife, stood near the mother during the birth of her baby. In the United States, the word designates a woman who accompanies the mother around the birth. In 2011, the definition of the word "doula" appeared in the Hachette dictionary.


You were able to target exactly my needs, my stresses and my desires. Thank you for this support, I wish you a very good continuation in this voice which corresponds to you completely.

Virginie, Anderlues

My support
A presence at every stage

From the desire for conception

To have children or not? Am i ready? Are we ready? Is it the right time, with the right person? Some hesitate, fearing that the arrival of a baby will hamper their freedom. Others wonder about the future they can offer their child.


Sometimes the desire for a child is very strong, but this long-awaited pregnancy does not occur ... It takes long months, even years of patience, with in some cases the need to initiate heavy medical procedures.

In all these situations full of doubts and questions, I offer my listening, my support and my comfort.

Before birth

Expecting a child is an intense and overwhelming event in a woman's life. In a few months, so many emotions, experiences and learning about yourself, your couple, your family . My goal is to offer you emotional and caring support during your pregnancy and to inform you as well as possible to arrive confident and serene the day of the birth of your baby.


Here are the themes we can discuss:

  • Your pregnancy and your physical, mental and emotional transformations

  • Dad's involvement

  • How to prepare siblings

  • Other methods of preparing for birth

  • Your emotions, your questions, your doubts or your fears

  • Unpredictable events

  • Your birth plan: how would you like to give birth, with whom? Or ?

  • Pain, its meaning and coping techniques

After birth

The adventure begins! The birth of a child is one of the most memorable experiences in a woman's life. The first few weeks with baby can be physically and emotionally hectic.

This is completely normal, and it may become necessary for you to be listened to in a secure way and / or to be reassured and encouraged.

The themes we can discuss:

  • Need to review your childbirth

  • Your first steps with baby and the daily organization (breastfeeding, mothering, babywearing, ...)

  • The new life of the couple, of the family, the reception of babies within the siblings

  • You feel filled with questions and lost between 1000 pieces of advice received from those around you, I can help you sort it out

  • If the arrival of the baby was not this happy event so awaited?

  • And later: prepare for the return to work, separation and baby's first steps in a nursery

Breastfeeding support

I provide information and suport to assist you in your breastfeeding journey.  To help you to navigate your way and enjoy all of the benefits that breastfeeding has to offer for both you and your baby.

My philosophy


I respect the AFDB doulas charter .

My network

I make it a point of honor to develop a network of other perinatal professionals (midwives, doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, porterage consultants, haptonomists, massage therapists, ...) in order to work in collaboration and to be able to help you. redirect if necessary.

My values

Respect - Kindness - Listening - Confidence - Non-judgment - At your own pace - On your way - Your well-being and the well-being of your baby

Mère avec son enfant
Talking about doulas

Recent articles about doulas (in French)

Number 68 of the magazine Grandir Autrement - February 2018

Issue 294 of Agenda Plus magazine - February 2018


Support at birth, proven positive effects

Numerous scientific studies demonstrate the beneficial effects of the presence of a doula during childbirth: reduction in the rate of cesarean section, reduction in labor time, reduction in the demand for epidurals, reduction in the use of forceps, less postpartum depression, better breastfeeding rate and longer breastfeeding.



Je vous accompagne dans l'organisation de votre blessingway, cérémonie intime pour célébrer votre grossesse et l'acte de donner la vie avec vos proche.  Le blessingway vous apportera joie, amour et confiance en vous pour le jour J.

J'organise ce moment avec votre aide ou celle d'une amie, sœur, maman,... bref une personne qui vous connait bien ! Loin de l'esprit des baby shower commerciales, le blessingway va vous gonfler à bloc d'ondes positives et d'amour pour le grand jour.

Perinatal grief

Losing a baby is a very painful event to experience and unfortunately still taboo in our society.

I offer you the opportunity to express your grief and anxietis in a secure space. 

Bougie commémorative

"To change the world, we must first change the way babies are being born"    

  -  Dr Michel Odent

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